Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH) delivers its childhood immunisations service in 9 London boroughs using RIVIAM
Benefits of RIVIAM
- Alongside the other benefits of moving from a paper-based system to a RIVIAM digital service, HRCH is able to use data insights to encourage greater uptake of children's immunisations.
Going paperless
HRCH started working with RIVIAM in August 2021 ready for the national Flu immunisations programme which in 2021 was extended to include all children from Reception to Year 11.
The new process replaced the old paper-based approach, which means there is less room for error (because a child has lost a form for example), minimal administration work for the school (for example chasing and collecting in forms) and saves time for HRCH's immunisation teams allowing them to focus on providing the best care.
〝Paper-based consent can be a very resource-heavy process for our staff, with extra time spent manually transporting, categorising and scanning forms. It also suffers from issues with incomplete, illegible and lost forms, which can result in missed or delayed vaccinations. We hope that e-consent will lead to improved data quality, protect sensitive patient information, and give nurses more time to spend on clinical care and health promotion in schools.〞

Greater efficiency
Parents and carers in 9 London boroughs benefit from an ‘e-consent’ form for different childhood vaccinations (including for Flu and COVID-19) which can be completed online via computer or mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.
Children’s school-aged vaccination nursing teams are able to receive and manage completed consents online, considerably reducing the amount of time the immunisation team need to spend reviewing each return.
With RIVIAM’s mobile app, immunisations nurses have secure access to clinic lists of children with their associated consents and triage history on their device.
The app automatically updates TPP SystmOne™ , the clinical system used by HRCH, so vaccination outcomes will be recorded in real-time.
Increase uptake of immunisations
If you would like to increase the uptake of vaccinations, contact us for a demo.
We'd love to show you how our service works and the benefits of working with RIVIAM.