Integrate your care for better lives

Secure platform and services
for co-ordinating care

We want to improve how health and social care work together

Information doesn't flow for integrated care

RIVIAM integrates with clinical systems and supports new care pathways, allowing health and social care providers to collaborate effectively and improve care.

Our solutions are the way to enable integrated care 

Have a particular problem? Talk to us

Our solutions are the way to enable integrated care 

Have a particular problem? Talk to us

  • Removes paper and manual processes

    Digital Immunisations Consent

    Improves uptake of school-aged children's vaccinations, reduces costs and increases team productivity

  • Referral and workflow efficiencies

    Referral Management services

    Speeds up the delivery of care for people

  • Integrated care in action

    Multi-agency Referral Hub

    Linking NHS, social care and third sector

  • Power to the people

    Citizen / Patient Portal

    Enhances people's engagement with their care and reduces Do Not Attends

  • Let's work together

    Have some unique

    We can discuss your needs and collaborate with you to design, plan, develop and deliver a solution for your specific needs

Let the numbers do the talking

Referrals managed every year
Emails sent on behalf of the NHS every year
Our platform never stops

Our customers love the outcomes of our solutions

〝Providing a system whereby partners can share information securely and work more collaboratively has been and will continue to be crucial to the success of the Community Wellbeing Hub. This has transformed how we have worked in partnership.〞

Claire ThorogoodHead of Contracting & Performance, BaNES Council

〝The RIVIAM e-consent platform has had many benefits for the Sirona care & health School Aged Immunisation team. The system has enabled the team to reduce paper usage, mileage costs and time spent triaging consent forms. This has meant they can operate dynamically as they no longer need to have paper consent forms in the right place on the day, allowing the service to flex and adapt to meet demands.〞

Olivia LeeProgramme Manager – School Aged Immunisations, Sirona care and health CIC

We have more stories to share

Customers across England use RIVIAM to create more integrated, efficient care pathways 

We're innovating

See all our news

Welcoming new team members to RIVIAM: Our new colleagues of late 2024

Late last year, we welcomed four amazing people to the RIVIAM team: Henry McBraida, Vanessa Ryan, Cato Goffin, and Luke Berry.


RIVIAM's Customer Support Escalation Procedure

We are pleased to share RIVIAM’s newly refined Production Incident Escalation Process .


RIVIAM starts 2025 with welcoming two new team members

With the ever-evolving health sector, the need for efficiency solutions rises constantly.


The RIVIAM team wishes you a warm, happy and healthy 2025

Together, we’ve strengthened connections across health, social care and third sector creating integrated care solutions.


Bringing healthcare and technology together: Our experience at the Nursing Times Digital Nursing event 2024

Last Tuesday, November 5th, RIVIAM had the privilege of exhibiting and sponsoring the Nursing Times Digital Nursing event, whe...


Celebrating community and third sector collaboration: Highlights from the 3SG Volunteer Fair in Bath and North East Somerset

Two weeks ago, on Friday, October 18th, we had the incredible opportunity to attend and sponsor the 3SG Volunteer Fair, an eve...

Let's talk

Solutions to fit your needs

Find out more about how we can help you