Privacy Policy: RIVIAM Immunisations Mobile Application

6 January 2020

This Privacy Policy will help you understand what information we process and use for RIVIAM Immunisations Mobile application, how we use it, and what choices you have about your personal data.

RIVIAM takes the privacy and security of your information very seriously.

When we refer to 'RIVIAM' within this Privacy Policy we are referring to RIVIAM Digital Care which is a trading name of Targett Business Technology Ltd, Silver Building, Bath and West Buildings, Lower Bristol Road, Bath, BA2 3EG, the company which provides this application.

Data protection framework

Targett Business Technology Ltd is based within the United Kingdom and, as such, is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). We have aligned our Privacy Policy with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on 25 May 2018, under the supervision of the ICO within the UK.

RIVIAM Immunisations Mobile application

RIVIAM provides the Immunisations Mobile application to our Customers (see below for a definition of 'Customers') and operates as a data processor.

The application enables the Customers to allow school nurses delivering immunisations services on behalf of the Customers to receive information about vaccination clinics and a list of the children to be immunised with their consent details.

The application enables the school nurses to record vaccination outcomes and for this information to be automatically and securely shared with RIVIAM Cloud and updated in the Customer's clinical system.

Who do we collect information from?

We collect and process minimum personal information from users of the application, school nurses.

What information is collected and processed?

A minimum set of data is collected during the login process. This includes your: firstname, lastname, email address and password.

This information is only used for the purposes for which you have submitted it to us as a registered user on the RIVIAM platform to enable you to a) login and use the application b) receive updates about new features of the application.

We will not use your personal information for any other purposes and it will not be shared with a third party.

We also collect your mobile device's location data. This is shared only with RIVIAM Cloud for the purposes of our application supporting the Customer's delivery of their immunisations service and a lone worker alert service.

Our Customers are bound by these same terms relating to privacy.

Where is the data stored?

Data is stored on servers in highly secure data centres managed by UK Cloud in England.

How long will your data be retained?

RIVIAM will retain data only for the length of time required by the Customer to use the application for its school nurses to deliver vaccination clinics.

Data rights

As prescribed within data protection regulations, you have several rights connected to the use of your personal data by RIVIAM.

These include your rights to request that RIVIAM:

  • confirms to you what personal data it may hold about you, if any, and for what purposes
  • changes the consent which you have provided in relation to your personal data
  • corrects any inaccurate or incomplete personal data which may be held about you
  • provides you with a complete copy of your personal data for you to move elsewhere
  • stops processing your personal data, whilst an objection from you is being resolved
  • permanently erases all your personal data promptly, and confirms to you that it has done so.

To contact RIVIAM please click here.

If RIVIAM does not address your request or fails to provide you with a valid reason why it is unable to do so, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office to make a complaint. They can be contacted via their website ( or by telephone 0303 123 1113.

Password policy

When users set up their passwords to use the Immunisations Mobile application, RIVIAM puts in place password security measures.

These will also be applied to those who are re-activating their accounts.

The measures include:

  • A password that has a minimum of 8 characters in length with a maximum of 64 characters.
  • All characters are allowed including spaces. There are no requirements for special characters.
  • The app scores the password and rejects it if it's too simple.
  • Warnings are shown when using repeated patterns and using words like “test1234”.

Accessibility statement

RIVIAM's Immunisations Application complies with Apple’s user interface standards. If users can't access any content on the app because it is not accessible to them, please contact our Help Desk.

If you are not happy with the response from our Help Desk, please get in touch with RIVIAM's Data Protection Officer, Christine Targett.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may change this RIVIAM Immunisations Mobile application Privacy Policy, and, if we do, we will post any changes on this page. If you continue to access the application after those changes have come into effect, you will have agreed to the revised policy.

Contacting RIVIAM

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, would like to exercise any of your statutory rights, or make a complaint, please get in touch.


By 'Customers' we mean organisations providing health and social care services that have a legal contract with RIVIAM to use our digital services.

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