RIVIAM Wellbeing Service Is Overcoming The Burden Of Healthcare Admin
7 July 2021
As we move forward, Integrated Care Partnerships will be tasked with promoting more seamless care that better meets people’s needs. Managers will need to understand the burden that admin plays in care from both patient and staff perspectives. Investment in the best digital software will be essential in reducing this burden. In addition, managers will learn that the right healthcare platform can significantly improve patient experience, reduce inequalities, and promote a better working environment for their staff.
Care staff want IT systems that are intuitive to navigate, empower patients, and are accessible to all. They recognise this as fundamental to delivering good-quality care. However, they have also identified some common admin inaccuracies that need to be addressed.

Not having up-to-date contact information or not being fully aware of patients’ preferred communication channels can lead to miscommunication. Often, care providers can only see information relating to a single episode of care and not an entire case history. Problems often arise for patients managing one or more long-term conditions and those who have additional needs, such as a disability. In addition, people living with long-term health conditions often look for support from many different services. We have learnt throughout this pandemic that people in need of welfare, support and food provisions need a rapid response. However, some multi-agency services and organisations don’t co-ordinate communications, which means patients can be interacting with various providers, which can be time-consuming and confusing. It can also cause delays to care
RIVIAM Wellbeing Service is a secure digital platform which can overcome each of these common challenges easily. We believe patients should only need to “Tell their story once” and feel reassured that all their contact details are updated with data sharing preferences carefully and responsibly managed. In addition, multi-agency care providers can access RIVIAM Wellbeing to see a single view of all activities about that person and see an accurate, up to date record of the status of care they are receiving.
In Bath and North East Somerset, RIVIAM Wellbeing Service has helped many agencies to collaborate and co-ordinate better care delivery in their communities.
〝At Citizens Advice BaNES, we have been working with other charities and third sector organisations over the last year to bring together a partnership with BaNES Council, Virgin Care and the Clinical Commissioning Group to provide a more effective and efficient service to residents, patients and clients all across BaNES. The dreadful challenges of Covid-19 galvanised these partnership discussions into greater action and the Compassionate Community Hub was born. Ten organisations were quickly and effectively working together to provide an emergency response to Covid-19. The ‘glue’ that pulled all this together was the revolutionary technology platform that was created and delivered to support this crucial work – RIVIAM’s Wellbeing service. This, without doubt, has enabled the initiative to become a huge, unique, nationwide success story, and to deliver a far more effective and efficient solution for the Local Authority, lead healthcare provider and local third sector partners.〞
If you would like any further information on how RIVIAM Wellbeing Service can help your organisation provide better care to your communities, please do get in touch at [email protected], and we can discuss your requirements.
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