Wishing you a Happy Christmas and New Year 2022
15 December 2021
A Christmas message of positive progress and best wishes from the RIVIAM team
As this year's round-robins fall from Christmas cards, it remains a bumpy road, but our collective resilience is amazing. Signs of life returning to an even keel earlier in the year will certainly be there; sporting achievements, holidays and family gatherings will feature. And we can all hope that progress towards normal service will again resume once we get to grips with whatever Omicron can throw at us.
Tackling each new challenge of the pandemic has been made possible by clever science and technology. Vax is the official "word of the year". Digital technology is integrating the NHS services we rely on - improving care, wellbeing and support. Healthcare professionals and patients can each appreciate a progressively more responsive, co-ordinated, collaborative and paper-free NHS. And digital transformation is driving this.
RIVIAM is proud to be at the centre of the ongoing digital transformation working with our NHS customers and partners to deliver change. This year, we've welcomed new customers and grown our team.
We wish you health, joy and happiness this festive season.

Immunisation team success
🎄 We've reached a milestone: half a million consents for our school-aged immunisation customers have been processed on RIVIAM between 1st September and 30th November. Only 10% of returned consents need to be reviewed by a clinician, 90% are automatically filtered by RIVIAM, enabling staff to focus on patient care. Our estimate – based on customer feedback – is that over this 3 month period our immunisation customers freed up and have been able to reprioritise staff triage time worth £1.3 million.
🎄 This summer, we worked hard and fast to deliver in 2 weeks an appointment booking and notifications service. This was for an integrated care partnership to manage COVID-19 vaccinations for vulnerable children aged 12-15.
🎄 An immunisations bookable service is also now live for some customers helping them increase access to and uptake of the flu vaccination.
Innovation for community customers
🎄 RIVIAM's new Service Directory extends our comprehensive referral management services. The directory can be initiated via TPP’s SystmOne™, where some information will be auto-completed in the referral form, or via an external website for citizens and professional referrers.
🎄 Throughout the year, RIVIAM has pursued our focus on NHS Digital integration. We have continued our partnership with EMIS Health and integration with TPP SystmOne™ and will soon have an interface with GP Connect. To help customers who work across multiple TPP SystmOne™ units, we launched the capability for RIVIAM users to conduct a federated search for a patient across all units, speeding up decisions.
🎄 We've joined PRSB's Standards Partnership Scheme. As we develop RIVIAM with the addition of Shared Care Plans, this will provide assurance that we've met the benchmark for a Digital Care and Support Plan.

Immunisation enhancements in 2022
🎆Working closely with our customers, we'll continue to enhance our school-aged immunisations service adding new features that provide even further productivity gains.
🎆A School's Portal will mean school administrators can more easily engage with vaccination teams saving time and improving communication.
🎆The immunisations mobile app used by nurses in immunisation clinics will be available as a Windows application. The app is already used extensively on iPads.
New for community customers next year
🎆A Citizen's Portal will enable improved communication between people and service teams.
🎆In terms of interoperability, we'll be developing an interface with NHS eReferrals. RIVIAM's partnership with EMIS Health will deliver the ability to work more closely with Trusts that use EMIS as their clinical system.
🎆For supporting multi-agency care, our work adding task and message management, outcome reporting and a new consent model - will come to fruition.
Get in touch
We’re excited about working with you in the coming year and confident that together we’ll take further strides forward in delivering integrated care and improving lives.
Please get in touch if you'd like to have a chat at any time.
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