COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations for one million children in England benefit from RIVIAM’s digital health system

14 September 2021

Parents of approximately one million children in 7 English counties and 17 boroughs of London will benefit from being able to provide consent digitally for COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations using RIVIAM’s online immunisation system.

This follows the UK government’s announcement that all 12-15-year-olds will be offered the COVID-19 vaccination this September and the start of the largest ever children’s Flu school-aged children's vaccination programme, including for all children from Reception to Year 11.

The service is convenient and fast. Parents will be invited to complete an eConsent form and confirmations – via email – are instantaneous.

Once consents are received in RIVIAM, they are automatically organised for triage by our customers, considerably reducing the time immunisation teams need to spend reviewing each return.

Enhanced to support COVID-19 vaccinations

RIVIAM has enhanced our comprehensive digital immunisations service in a matter of weeks to include online consent to support COVID-19 vaccinations.

Some parents will also soon be able to make appointments online for their children’s vaccinations, for example when they need to book their children into a community clinic.

〝We’re delighted to enable the COVID-19 vaccination programme for this group of school-aged children so quickly as well as support for Flu vaccinations for almost a million children across England. Our technology is clever, but simple to use, secure and rapidly deployable to meet urgent challenges.〞

Paul Targett, Managing Director, RIVIAM Digital Care

Supporting immunisations nurses

RIVIAM also enables immunisation nurses to work digitally in clinics including the use of a mobile app providing secure access to clinic lists of children with their associated consents and triage history on their device. Clinics can be undertaken regardless of internet connection.

Where relevant, the app can automatically update the clinical system TPP SytmOne with the outcome of vaccinations and teams can download the data required for the Child Health Information System.

Customers across England

Organisations using RIVIAM’s immunisations system include:

RIVIAM is also currently providing an online consent and appointment booking service for an integrated care partnership to support COVID-19 vaccinations for children aged 12-15 who are at a higher risk from coronavirus. Parents notified by their GP can complete an eConsent form and choose and book a suitable clinic appointment at a local GP surgery.

If you would like to know more about RIVIAM's Digital Immunisations service and how it could help your organisation, please get in contact.

RIVIAM’s Digital Immunisations service includes:

  1. eConsent websites for the secure collection of consents from parents and carers
  2. Appointment booking and notifications
  3. Online triage and administration tools providing the ability to keep track and co-ordinate what’s been done to whom and when
  4. A mobile app for immunisation nurses that works with or without internet connection
  5. Auto update of TPP SystmOne with vaccination outcomes
  6. Reporting and Dashboards to provide data insights for increasing the uptake of immunisations, including updates to the Child Health Information Service and Public Health England.

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