Happy Christmas from the RIVIAM team

18 December 2019

We wish our customers, partners and the communities we work with a really happy Christmas and relaxing holiday.

We look forward to continuing our mission in 2020 to provide secure digital healthcare technology that helps our customers improve patients' lives.

Celebrating and sharing what's been great in 2019

In 2019 we have achieved fantastic things.

Here's 12 highlights:

  1. Launched our Secure Video service that interfaces directly with TPP’s SystmOne™ and started work with Southampton Primary Care Limited to deliver the service. Health Tech News has recently published a case study.
  2. Worked directly with Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust who are now using our Secure Portal and Workflow services for receiving and managing referrals online for the Children and Family Health Service.
  3. Continued to develop our capabilities to support care co-ordination for service centres, including the ability to digitally read incoming emails with referrals attached and process them into workflow queues. This saves hub workers so much time in managing different email inboxes. We're also soon adding contact management and telephony integration to Workflow.
  4. Commenced discussions with some of our customers about extending our digital services to the third sector so that more and more organisations can take part in delivering co-ordinated care. This is an exciting step forward.
  5. Processed hundreds of thousands of eConsents for childhood vaccinations for Virgin Care in BaNES, Wiltshire and Devon helping them achieve huge cost savings and increase the uptake of vaccinations.
  6. Developed our Digital Immunisations Consent Service so we can now digitally update the outcome of vaccinations from a clinic spreadsheet uploaded to RIVIAM directly into the child’s clinical record on TPP's SystmOne™. Early in the new year school nurses will be using our mobile app.
  7. Started working with the Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust in the autumn and they will soon go live with our complete immunisations solution.
  8. Enabled BEMS+, a GP federation in Bath, deliver Improved Access. Through RIVIAM's interoperability across clinical systems, GPs in BaNES using EMIS Web can see and book GP appointments in real-time into GP federation's clinical system, TPP SystmOne™ .
  9. Secured a place to supply technology to the NHS as part of the new GP IT Futures framework and we have expanded our portfolio on the G-Cloud framework.
  10. Completed RIVIAM's certification with NHS Digital and RIVIAM is now able to interface in real-time with TPP SystmOne™. We’ve achieved this under the current GP Systems of Choice contract (GPSoC). We continue to be an accredited partner with EMIS Web and have other integrations with clinical systems underway that will benefit our customers.
  11. Proudly supported our local community in Bath by sponsoring the Bath Digital Festival and local TechforGood events during the year. Paul Targett, our MD, recently shared his interesting insights about the opportunities of digital healthcare in a TechforGood podcast.
  12. Welcomed some brilliant new team members to RIVIAM including Dr. Shanil Mantri (Clinical Safety Officer), Dr. Melina Rees (Mental Health Strategic Advisor), Kate Malinoski (Project Manager) and Peter Gerber (Business Development Director), Rob Reeves (Developer and Customer Success Engineer) and Max Mclaren-Taylor (Developer). And, to accommodate our growing team, we have moved office. Our new address is Silver Building, Bath & West Buildings, Lower Bristol Road, BA2 3EG and contact number is +44 (0)1225 945 020.

Looking forward to next year

We are excited about what 2020 brings and committed to helping our customers deliver the NHS long term plan - using our digital technology and integration capabilities to create new efficiencies, save costs and innovate new models of care to improve patients' lives.

Have a wonderful Christmas break.

Get in touch if you would like to discuss any of our services.

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