Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust choose RIVIAM to transform delivery of NHS National Childhood Immunisations Programme
11 August 2021
Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust has chosen RIVIAM's digital immunisations service to transform the way it gives school-aged children vaccinations in 9 London boroughs.
This links to the announcement.
The service will be ready for the national Flu immunisations programme this autumn which will be extended to include all children from Reception to Year 11 - almost 370,000 children.
The trust wants to encourage uptake of the Flu vaccination at a time when the NHS is predicting a surge in winter viruses including Flu alongside COVID-19.
〝Paper-based consent can be a very resource-heavy process for our staff, with extra time spent manually transporting, categorising and scanning forms. It also suffers from issues with incomplete, illegible and lost forms, which can result in missed or delayed vaccinations. We hope that e-consent will lead to improved data quality, protect sensitive patient information, and give nurses more time to spend on clinical care and health promotion in schools.〞
RIVIAM’s eConsent immunisations service enables Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust to digitise the entire immunisations process from beginning to end.
The service includes:
- eConsent websites for the secure collection of consents from parents and carers
- Online triage and administration tools providing the ability to keep track and co-ordinate what’s been done to whom and when
- A mobile app for immunisation nurses that works with or without internet connection
- Auto-update of the clinical system TPP SystmOne™ with vaccination outcomes
- Reporting and Dashboards to provide data insights for increasing the uptake of immunisations, including updates to the Child Health Information Service and Public Health England.
Get in touch if you think the eConsent immunisations service and app could help your immunisations teams.
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