Bringing healthcare and technology together: Our experience at the Nursing Times Digital Nursing event 2024
12 November 2024
Last Tuesday, November 5th, RIVIAM had the privilege of exhibiting and sponsoring the Nursing Times Digital Nursing event, where healthcare professionals and tech experts came together to explore innovative solutions to enhance the healthcare system.
As an organisation with proven solutions to connect healthcare, social care and third sector partners, we were excited to engage in meaningful discussions and share ideas on how we enable these partners improve their care co-ordination and free up time for professionals to care for patients.

Insightful conversations: How can RIVIAM help?
Our CEO and Founder, Paul Targett, and our Business Development and Marketing Assistant, Cato Goffin, attended the event, participating in talks, meeting with professionals, and exchanging ideas with a shared passion for improving healthcare processes. There was a clear sense of collaboration and shared commitment to tackling the challenges facing the healthcare sector, such as lack of communications, excessive administration, delayed discharge and much more.
At the event we focused on our Hospital to Home Discharge Service.
According to NHS England, there are “more than 12,000 patients every day in hospital despite being medically fit for discharge.” Data from The King’s Fund also suggests that discharge delays in England increased throughout 2022 and that the cost of delays in 2022/2023 was at least £1.7 billion, at a time when the NHS is pushing to find cost savings. Being stuck in hospital when patients are fit enough to leave is, say the least, upsetting.
The key benefits of our service are:
- Helping medically fit people leave hospital more quickly and free up beds.
- Creating efficiency by reducing admin burden and thus freeing up time for ward staff to focus on the patients.
- Improving communications between NHS, social care and third sector by linking them together digitally in one live dashboard.

Our service at the Royal United Hospital in BaNES
In Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES), RIVIAM has created an Onward Admission Referral form for ward staff via which they can refer the patient to several hospital discharge services as well as a wider group of community and third sector organisations using RIVIAM at the Community Wellbeing Hub (CWH) in BaNES. The form is available in all wards at the Royal United Hospital in Bath and two community hospitals (Paulton Memorial Hospital and St Martins).
Ward staff can then keep track of those referrals and their status on the Discharge dashboard. The dashboard creates online communication between NHS, social care and third sector organisations which reduces the need for phone calls and emails that cause delays and takes up time.
Business case review
In 2023, the CWH undertook a business case review of its service including its use of RIVIAM's Multi-agency Referral hub service and Hospital to Home Discharge service.
The review found it’s delivering £4.00 per £1.00 invested. This includes social and direct benefits to health and social care with an ‘optimism bias’ of 70%.
Read our case study here.
The power of collaboration between healthcare and technology
One of the key themes at this year’s Nursing Times event was the importance of collaboration. While technology has the potential to revolutionise healthcare, it’s only through strong partnerships between health and social care providers and tech developers that we can unlock its full potential. Whether it’s through the development of cutting-edge digital health platforms, advanced data analytics, or AI-driven patient management tools, working together is essential to driving progress.
The event offered several exciting discussions of how digital tools are already transforming healthcare. From digital nursing solutions that improve clinical workflows, to data-driven platforms that help track patient health in real-time, it was encouraging to see the innovative ways technology is being used to solve problems in the healthcare sector.

A bright future for Digital Nursing
Attending the Nursing Times Digital Nursing event reinforced our belief in the critical role technology plays in the evolution of health and social care. With so many passionate individuals working towards the common goal of improving patient care, we are more optimistic than ever about the future of digital nursing and healthcare in general.
We’re excited to continue collaborating with professionals in the healthcare sectors to help drive positive change. As we move forward, the conversations and insights from this event will continue to shape our strategies and ideas, ensuring we are always at the forefront of innovation in healthcare.
Thank you Nursing Times
Thank you to the amazing team of Nursing Times for organising such a fantastic event and bringing together health and tech professionals who want to make a difference. The collaboration of healthcare and technology is vital to grow and it’s events like this that keep us moving in the right direction. Did you miss the event? Don’t worry, register here to watch the virtual replay event on Tuesday, December 10th!
Are you interested in learning more about RIVIAM? Send an email to [email protected] to see how we can assist in improving people’s lives!
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