RIVIAM is listed on the G-Cloud 11 framework on the UK Government's Digital Marketplace
15 July 2019
We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in broadening our portfolio of digital health services available on the UK Government Digital Marketplace under the G-Cloud 11 framework.
To see all our services click here.
The award means RIVIAM can offer our full range of cloud software services to public sector NHS organisations under the terms and conditions of G-Cloud 11 and without the need to run a full tender process.
Paul Targett, Managing Director, RIVIAM says: "In this latest iteration of G-Cloud, we've expanded our portfolio to ensure we can provide a complete set of innovative digital services that help our NHS customers co-ordinate care better."
"New in is our Secure Video Service for virtual team collaboration or patient meetings, our secure GP Document Delivery Service enabling us to deliver documents directly into TPP SystmOne and EMIS Web GP systems, and a full Digital Immunisations Consent Service. These complement our enhanced referral management, mobile working and workflow capabilities."
"I am really excited how our portfolio genuinely addresses our customer's need to remove old-fashioned referral management and workflow processes, reduce costs and risks and improve efficiencies so they can get on with the job of improving patient care."
If you would like to talk to us about any of the RIVIAM Digital Care services listed on the Digital Marketplace, please get in contact.
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