Wishing you a Happy Christmas and New Year 2023
13 December 2022
Delivering this year for integrated care
Confidence and optimism are growing about technology’s role in enabling NHS and social care deliver more integrated, personalised care. Integrating the efforts of professionals in the health, social care and third sector has been a goal for many years but has been largely aspirational. Today’s positivity is built on solid, proven foundations; here are just some examples of what you’ve achieved using RIVIAM since January 2022:
- 1.3 million eConsents for our immunisations customers, enabling you to free up and reprioritise staff time worth approximately £12 million.
- 1.4 million auto lookups of patient's NHS numbers using RIVIAM’s NHS Spine Mini Service – saving approximately £520,000.
- Over 50,000 referrals for our community NHS and local authority customers, removing paper and time wasting manual processes and creating efficiencies.
RIVIAM’s immunisations and referral management services have become an essential part of the digital infrastructure for joining up teams across the sectors; it means you can deliver genuinely integrated care.
As we reflect at this time of year, it’s always wonderful to take the opportunity to thank you, our partners and team for working with us.
Have a happy and healthy festive season.

50+ immunisation programmes
For the 1000s of clinical and admin users of our immunisations service, RIVIAM saves time, money and resources whilst enabling you to improve care and vaccination uptake.
51 new immunisation programmes have been launched on RIVIAM this year supporting the provision of HPV, DTP, COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations across England.
In September, we talked to Vaccination UK about how key RIVIAM is to their strategy. We aim for continuous improvements and recent enhancements include:
- New functionality for our mobile immunisations app improving the efficiency it provides nurses – also a new Windows version of the app. This year, there have been over 600K outcomes delivered automatically to RIVIAM via the app creating a significant time saving for nurses.
- On our eConsent forms, the ability for parents to choose for their children to have a flu injection rather than nasal immunisation.
- Easier National Immunisation & Vaccination System (NIVS) reporting and management of immunisation outcome status.
24/7 referrals for health and social care
We're excited that a hospital will soon use RIVIAM to enable ward staff to refer to the Community Wellbeing Hub (CWH), speeding up patient discharge and freeing up hospital beds.
At the CWH, 15 health, social care and third sector partners are working together in a federated model on RIVIAM to receive professional and self referrals and to co-ordinate care for local people - this explains how the shared referral management system at the hub works.
More widely, community NHS trusts in England continue to use RIVIAM 24/7 for critical referral management services, supporting children’s and adult’s care. This year, we’ve:
- Refined our Secure Portals and launched a Service Directory which improves a referrer’s access to services for their patients.
- Created a self-service tool which enables our customers to create their own referral forms for integration into RIVIAM.
- Enhanced our core referral management and workflow functionality with multiple efficiency creating features.

Enhancements for immunisations in 2023
- Self-service reporting making it quicker and easier to deliver reports to NIVS and Child Health Information Systems.
- Enhancements to the mobile app to enable eConsents to be captured on the day of the clinic and functionality to support Gillick competency.
- Rolling out our clinic booking service for all our customers providing a convenient way for parents/carers to book children into catch up immunisation clinics.
For community customers
- Enabling outcome measures to be recorded, measured and reported upon using RIVIAM and the continued development of Dashboards and functionality to support virtual ward pathways / digital discharge.
- Further integrations including with eReferrals, GP Connect, renewing and extending our partnership with EMIS Health and continuing to partner with TPP SystmOne.
- AI support for managing patient flow and optimisation. d
Keep in touch
We’re looking forward to working with you as we return in the new year invigorated from a festive break and are confident that together we’ll take further strides forward in delivering integrated care and better lives. Please get in touch if you'd like to have a chat at any time.
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