12 ways RIVIAM Digital Care is improving lives this Christmas!
18 December 2018
As a year where we have taken major strides forward draws to a close, Christmas is a great time to celebrate and share our successes. We’re proud that our digital health technology is making a real difference in people’s lives.
Our top 12 joys of Christmas are ......

- Every minute of the day, 7 days a week, RIVIAM enables citizens, referrers and providers in England to experience secure, digital care from the NHS.
- In Surrey, all referrals for the Children’s Family Health Service are now managed 100% digitally in RIVIAM using our Workflow case management tools.
- Thousands of digital immunisation consents from parents are now processed on our platform every day for flu and HPV vaccinations. We are doing our bit to move the NHS paperless! We started working with a large NHS provider in B&NES, Wiltshire and Devon in May 2018 and, over a 3 month period, we helped them make the leap from paper consent forms to the collection of eConsents and the online triage and scheduling of immunisation clinics.
- Cracking the thorny issue of enabling secure information flow between primary care systems and the systems of providers to improve care co-ordination and service delivery is our priority. Following discussions over many years, in October we were delighted to become an EMIS Web assured partner. This means we can provide GPs with access to RIVIAM directly from within EMIS Web, enabling real-time sharing of demographic and clinical information.
- A big step forward in enabling the joined-up care that everyone wants is our capability to support appointment booking and clinical care access across GP Systems. We are currently rolling out a solution where GP practices on EMIS Web can book appointments with practices using TPP SystmOne.
- With our new GP Portal service, GPs can now access information about patients in their care from within their GP System, whether they are using TPP SystmOne or EMIS Web. This means they can have a transparent view of the care being provided and work with providers to deliver new models of care whilst remaining in control of patient data.
- GP practices are also using our systems to create and manage new GP-led community services. Every day we have paramedics and GPs on the road using our mobile solutions to access clinical information on the go so they can deliver patient care.
- In July, we published our new website with a useful ‘Know how’ section. Here you can find useful information about using our technology and services.
- We are an approved supplier for the UK Government Digital Marketplace under the G-Cloud 10 framework and available on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists framework. NHS buyers have an easy way to purchase RIVIAM services.
- Over the year we have welcomed 2 new developers and our first customer success director. We are also currently recruiting developers to grow our expanding team in Bath.
- We’ve loved being active in our local community, taking part in Academic Health Science Network innovation events, and sponsoring the Bath Digital Festival and other TechforGood meetups.
- We never stand still. This month we’ve been capturing the feedback of our many RIVIAM users, listening and learning about what’s important so we can develop and extend our services and improve their experience of using RIVIAM.
We’re the cloud provider making a difference to the NHS and to people’s lives.
And we’re really looking forward to working with our customers and community to continue our mission in 2019. Please get in touch if you'd like to have a chat at any time.
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