Benefits of the Digital Immunisations Service
22 October 2019
Over the last 3 years we have processed hundreds of thousands of eConsents for children's vaccinations.
Feedback from our customers is that the service:
- Delivers 90% reduction in clinical triage time resulting in a decrease in staff costs.
- Provides huge savings on printing paper and mileage costs.
- Improves data security and reduces the risks of missing consents.
Below we outline the 5 key benefits.
〝Using RIVIAM has enabled us to reduce the amount of time our team spends triaging consents by over 90%. This is a significant saving that we can reinvest in our immunisations service.〞
1. Patient safety
- Flags consents that require attention.
- Reports potentially invalid consents, such as duplicates and conflicting consents
- Highlights patients on a clinic list where an issue was identified.
2. Quality of care
- Nurses can spend more time with the child at the clinic rather than completing paperwork and dealing with last-minute consent forms.
- Enables targeted interventions with schools that have a lower uptake. RIVIAM tracks the progress of consents against schools so your team know where to focus their efforts.
- Frees up time for your nurses to spend on other nursing programmes.

〝Parents have also fed back that they find the online system clear and easy to use. The additional functionality of being able to set up and book community catch-up clinics has reduced the burden on our admin teams and improved access to community clinics for families across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.〞
3. Patient satisfaction
- The online consent form is available 24/7 and can be completed using any modern device. The form provides a professional, modern digital experience and there is no need to login to provide information.
- Following the completion of an eConsent, a confirmation email is sent with a unique reference number. This gives parents and carers peace of mind that the consent has been received and provides contact details for your service centre.
- The system eliminates the risk of consent forms not being received by children and the data is received in an electronic format.
〝The app allows the nurses to view all the clinical information relating to the child and complete the child’s vaccination record at the time of the session with the child in front of them, meaning once they leave that school the session is complete. This takes a huge time pressure off the team so they can focus on preparation for the next school.〞
4. Staff productivity
- Reduces costs from eliminating the need for printing and delivering paper consent forms to schools.
- As the consent forms are received in real-time, triage can happen in good time before clinics.
- Reduces clinical time filtering consent forms that require review. From our experience, this is as much as 90% compared to the current manual process.
- Reduces time preparing for sessions, dealing with paperwork, querying errors, driving to schools and collecting forms.
- Reduces time verifying patient details. With our demographic check, RIVIAM looks up each child’s details against a list of children in the area and then checks that the NHS number and the demographic details match. When there is no NHS number, RIVIAM uses the demographics to identify the patient and marks the consent as needing review. This saves whole months of admin time, removing the need for NHS SPINE or CHIS system lookups.
- Reduces time for immunisation nurses during clinics because it’s so quick and easy to record outcomes on the RIVIAM app.
- Reduces time briefing and preparing bank nurses because the app is so easy to use, and all of the clinic information is provided digitally.
- Reduces time updating the clinical system with outcomes because RIVIAM will do this automatically via our interface with TPP SystmOne™.

〝The RIVIAM e-consent platform has had many benefits for the Sirona care & health School Aged Immunisation team. The system has enabled the team to reduce paper usage, mileage costs and time spent triaging consent forms. This has meant they can operate dynamically as they no longer need to have paper consent forms in the right place on the day, allowing the service to flex and adapt to meet demands.〞
5. Integrated care
- RIVIAM’s school secure file upload facility improves your relationship with schools which see this as a big improvement. It removes the delay in waiting for staff to go to a school and collect class lists.
- RIVIAM’s integration with TPP SystmOne™ automatically updates the clinical record. Where customers have the Child Health module, TPP SystmOne™ will then update the GP record.
- We provide extracts for CarePlus CHIS systems and compatible reports for NIVS.
Read the product features for RIVIAM's eConsent immunisation service.
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