New Service Directory, RIVIAM supports COVID-19 vaccinations for children and the Wellbeing service develops: RIVIAM summer 2021 update
18 August 2021
This is our latest newsletter; we hope it's useful and interesting. Please share it if you know others who may find the update useful.
It’s great to see the NHS’s new direction of travel - the vision seeks deeper and better collaboration across health and social care, enabled by the transformative potential of digital and data. This is a pivotal moment for the NHS. RIVIAM are proud to play our part, and we share the determination, clear in the new White Paper to ‘improve, integrate and innovate’.
Our focus is to help our customers co-ordinate care, collaborate and share data with their partners more easily so they can improve personalised support for people. It’s why we developed our digital platform and services. It’s why we exist.

New Service Directory extends RIVIAM's referral management services
RIVIAM’s new Service Directory is currently being rolled out to support more efficient referral management for community services in Bath and North East Somerset.
The new directory extends our referral management capabilities. A tool enables super-users to configure the Service Directory to meet their exact specifications. With the directory, referrers can easily identify the care services they wish to refer to and make a referral which is automatically organised by RIVIAM into a pathway ready for triage.
The Service Directory can be launched via TPP’s SystmOne™ where information will be automatically populated in the referral form, or via an external website for citizens and professional referrers. When launched via the clinical system, key data in the form is pre-filled and RIVIAM writes a note and a copy of the referral back into the patient record.

BaNES Community Wellbeing Hub
For the last 18 months, Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) Community Wellbeing Hub has been using our secure RIVIAM Wellbeing service to help them deliver care and support thousands of residents throughout the pandemic. Our Wellbeing service is a robust, multi-agency referral management system where health and social care providers, local authorities and third sector organisations can collaborate to co-ordinate care.
Partners at the Hub have received over 14,000 calls to date and have worked together to help people struggling to cope by delivering emergency food supplies, helping them access mental health support, debt advice, plus many wellbeing services such as weight management and healthy eating. Worst affected by the pandemic are those with long term health conditions identified as clinically extremely vulnerable. In RIVIAM, clinically vulnerable people are instantly identifiable and care providers can see a single view of a person's record and an accurate timeline of the care they have received.
RIVIAM are enormously proud to continue to support these vital multi-agency partnerships that have worked so hard to help those in need. For further information, visit RIVIAM Wellbeing service.
Further development of RIVIAM Wellbeing
RIVIAM'’s Wellbeing service is now moving into its next development phase. Over the next few months, we’ll be enhancing our platform to include additional functionality to support social prescribing. For example, individuals and professionals can access local wellbeing services via a secure online Service Directory. In addition, we are improving messaging and communications for partners collaborating together on RIVIAM with the ability to see a Shared Care Plan for some individuals.
Digital integration is built into everything RIVIAM does. The Wellbeing service interfaces with GP systems and can use the APIs of key systems used by third sector organisations.
Measuring and monitoring outcomes play a crucial role in ensuring that health and social care, local authorities and third sector groups positively impact the health and wellbeing of people in their communities. Therefore, the service will incorporate a robust outcome reporting system.
Watch this short video about RIVIAM Wellbeing.

Supporting the response to COVID and new immunisation customers
Over the next couple of months, RIVIAM’s digital immunisations service will be used by an integrated care system to support COVID vaccinations for children at a higher risk from coronavirus infection.
This includes the ability for parents and carers to choose and book clinic appointments as they provide consent. We’re also delighted to be supporting for the first time this year the children’s vaccination programme across 9 boroughs of London for Hounslow and Richmond NHS Community Trust (read the announcement here) as well as across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire for Sirona care & health.
Our app for immunisations nurses to use in clinics is a key aspect of our comprehensive immunisations service along with RIVIAM’s ability to update the outcomes of vaccinations directly into clinical systems.

Quick patient search across TPP SystmOne™ units
To help customers who work across multiple TPP SystmOne™ units, we have launched the capability for RIVIAM users to conduct a search for a patient across all units and present the services a patient is known to.
This will speed up decision making and save time for clinicians and admin staff working in single points of access
Engaging citizens via Secure Portals
The next version of our Secure Portals will include the ability for referrers to track the status of their referrals. We are also working on enabling dynamic information exchange between referrers/citizens using the portal and a customer’s admin teams.
Citizens will be able to log in to a portal via the NHS App so they can interact, complete questionnaires and exchange messages. Referrers and citizens will be able to choose and book clinical appointments which are then updated directly in TPP SystmOne™.

New team members
We are delighted to welcome Lynsay Redwood our new Business Development Lead for RIVIAM Wellbeing who will be working closely with local authorities, health and social care providers and third sector partnerships. We also would like to welcome V who brings a wealth of skill and expertise to our development team.
RIVIAM joins PRSB standards
RIVIAM has joined the Professional Records Standards Body new Standards Partnership Scheme. This is important to us because we want to ensure the very best practice in sharing information and data is at the core of our product development. Read more about why we joined the scheme.
Sponsoring the Bath Digital Festival
This year the festival, which is taking place 19th to 23rd October, has taken the theme of ‘collision’. We will be sponsoring an event discussing the opportunities created by the potential of digital and data to transform the way health, social care and the third sector can work better together as part of integrated care systems. We’ll be putting together a panel of interesting speakers and more about the event will be shared on the Bath Digital Festival website.
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