Spring 2019 update and preview of new services, including secure video service
16 April 2019
In this Spring update we share news of customers using RIVIAM for GP appointment booking and document delivery, new organisations working with RIVIAM and the progress of our eConsent immunisations service.
Also included is a preview of exciting service innovations in the pipeline.
GP appointment booking
In early January, a RIVIAM service that allows appointment booking into GP systems went live. The first iteration allows EMIS Web users to book appointments into TPP SystmOne. It’s currently being used to support the NHS Improving Access to GP initiative in Bath & North East Somerset.
EMIS Web users click on a RIVIAM icon within the patient record. RIVIAM is then launched within EMIS Web and it can identify the user and selected patient. This means EMIS Web users don’t need to login to RIVIAM or enter the patient’s details to book appointments.
GP document delivery
Over the last few months, we have also been working with a customer to integrate RIVIAM’s GP Document Delivery Service.
This exciting service delivers a PDF document into EMIS Web and TPP SystmOne tagged with the patient’s demographic information.
GP staff don’t have to re-key information saving them time. It solves the difficult issue of safely sharing patient information between clinical systems. We’d love to hear how the service could be useful to you. Any early customers have a great opportunity to help shape our offer.

eConsents for DTP and HPV immunisations
Our successful parent eConsent service for Flu vaccinations has been extended with the launch of DTP and HPV immunisations for a large NHS provider in Swindon, Wiltshire, Bath & North East Somerset and Devon. Thousands of eConsents are being processed on our platform every day.
A big welcome to our new customers
We are really pleased to be working with a number of new organisations using RIVIAM: Mayden; Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust (which has become a direct customer); URGO MEDICAL (an international company specialising in wound healing); and a NHS provider of Community Services. We will do everything we can to ensure success in using our services.
New Secure Video service
We will soon include a Secure Video Service as part of our offering enabling RIVIAM to host and manage secure video consultations. This is how it works:
- A user can invite a patient to a call by sharing a web URL and PIN.
- By clicking on the URL, the patient is asked for their PIN code and is placed into a waiting room.
- There the patient can change their camera settings, answer any set questions and wait to enter the call.
- When the call begins, the patient and user can save the recorded video session.
- Each user also gets the chance to take snapshots and a patient can keep these. When a user takes a snapshot, it’s saved into the patient record.
- RIVIAM can hold a mp4 video showing the user and clinician in a single view.
New mobile app
The new RIVIAM mobile app will replace our long-standing Android app and will work for Android and iOS. It provides customers with: the ability to enable secure messaging; a lone worker alarm; and the option to track a user’s location to help with appointment logistics.
Patient portal using the new NHS Login
As part of the NHS app launch, NHS Digital is building a common patient login. This will be available for third-party apps to use and means that a patient only needs one login for NHS services. We've been part of the early engagement about this and are working on how we build it into RIVIAM’s citizen portals.
We are starting our assurance process to allow customers to receive, accept or reject eReferrals. As NHS Digital releases new versions of the eReferrals API, we will include it in our services.
What’s coming in the Workflow Service for summer 2019
- Where customers have different users accessing pathways, they will soon be able to restrict user access to steps/queues for efficient work management.
- RIVIAM’s Contact Management Service and telephony integration will allow users to place or receive calls and for the activity to be automatically recorded in Workflow. This will make it easier to track calls and report on activity.
- Currently, tasks are set at a pathway level. We will enable the ability to set tasks at a more granular level for a step. This will allow for more comprehensive support for steps and improve the quality and consistency of processing.
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